Kid-Care Programs
- The Food
- The Meals
on Wheels Program
- The Kid-Care Food Program implements children’s
meals-on wheels programs as funding is made available.
- Educational
- Food Pantry
- Crisis Intervention
- Summer Camp Program
Kid-Care will provide children ages 6 to 16 with three weeks in the country where they will water ski, horseback ride
and engage in vigorous physical exercise while
learning techniques in dealing with peer pressure, self esteem and healthy living.
- Health Buggy
The Health Buggy Program was a medical office on wheels. Providing medical attention in the homes of our clients as
well as visits to the Kid-Care Health Buggy office. In the past we have provided
preventative medical attention for approximately 300 children and adults monthly. During its first year the Health buggy saved
the city of Houston over $250,000 dollars in E.R. visits. The second year a $350,000.00 in savings to
the city. As a Registered Nurse Carol Porter has always believed that the health care crisis could be relieved by utilizing
Registered Nurse Practitioners and members of the Medical Reserve Units that are not deployed. The Health became a prototype
of the future in health care. Carol believes that Wal Mart, CVS and other storefront clinics that have sprung up during the
last six years are a direct result of the example set by the Health Buggy. Due to comments made by Carol in the press regarding
the need for the strengthening of the Good Samaritan Act. Carol was called upon by Texas Senator Duncan to collaborate in
the formation of the present format of the “Good Samaritan Act” Senate Bill No.215. .